LAU 'Unplugged' Limited Edition CD Album

Recorded direct from the concert desk by Lau sound engineer Tim Matthew, with no studio overdubs, Unplugged captures the magic of Lau live from the start of their Unplugged 2020 Tour, recreating and rearranging material from across their catalogue.
‘Unplugged means no wires or electronics with the exception of a 4 track tape recorder which seemed reminiscent enough of the old days that we kept that, there are no peddle boards or computers, or wires between instruments and microphones (which are just electronic ears) so its very different to our previous shows. The format of performing acoustically was forced upon us one night in Bath, our stage equipment and luggage didn’t make it to the venue due to an airline mix up so we played unplugged and it felt liberating, we then spent a number of months creating a new show without wires.
After our first Unplugged shows in January we were inundated with requests for a recording of what the audiences had just heard so it’s great to be able to share a new live album. Tim Matthew our sound man and longtime collaborator records many of our shows just for reference but this time we felt the reference was of great quality and a strong enough representation of the concert to release it as a record.
1.SALTY BOYS Unplugged Live Version
3.RIAD Unplugged Live Version
4.TOY TIGERS Unplugged Live Version
5.SHE PUT ON HER HEADPHONES Unplugged Live Version
6.DARK SECRET Unplugged Live Version
7.ECHOLALIA Unplugged Live Version
8. FAR FROM PORTLAND Unplugged Live Version
9.GHOSTS Unplugged Live Version
Image (c) Genevieve Stevenson
All songs Drever/Green/O’Rourke (Reveal Publishing / MCPS)
Recorded Live at the concert desk by Tim Matthew 2020
Mastered at Castlesound, Scotland.
P+C Lau Scotland 2020 All rights reserved.
Original studio versions of these live recordings are available on Reveal Records.